quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends - 29 new articles


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Here are the latest updates for trendbounce@gmail.com

  1. Festive Lumber-Bound Lookbooks - Obey Clothing's Holiday 2012 Advertisements Are Rustic and Joyful (TrendHunter.com)
  2. Comic Book Knife Ads - The 3M Nexcare Bandaid Campaign is Made for Cartoon Lovers (TrendHunter.com)
  3. Free Standing Paperback Shelves - Paul Cocksedge's 'The Invisible Bookends' Holds Novels Minimally (TrendHunter.com)
  4. Safari Sport Jackets - The Gourmet x Mitchell & Ness Coats Incorporate Animal Prints (TrendHunter.com)
  5. Goofy Gait Time-Tellers - The Ministry of Silly Walks Clock by Susanne Lindberg Will Bring Laughs (TrendHunter.com)
  6. Whimsical Floral Fashion - Secret Garden by Jessica Prautzsch Stars a Pretty Isabell Schnaubelt (TrendHunter.com)
  7. Asymmetrically Bold Couches - The Apollo Sofa by Tatiana Bortkevic is Inspired by Architecture (TrendHunter.com)
  8. Vise-inflicted Furniture - The Ceci N’est Pas Une Table is Robbed of Its Former Functionality (TrendHunter.com)
  9. Filmed Fashion Launches - Maison Kitstune's Autumn/Winter 2012 Line Debuts in Video Form (TrendHunter.com)
  10. The Digital Dark Side - This Content Filtering Keynote by Eli Pariser Explores Withheld Information (TrendHunter.com)
  11. Bohemian Cowgirl Editorials - The Marie Claire Netherlands November 2012 Issue is Casual and Chic (TrendHunter.com)
  12. Designer Graffiti Displays - The Louis Vuitton RETNA Installation is Unconventional (TrendHunter.com)
  13. A New Digital Era - Larry Solomon Offers Three Predictions in His Future of Technology Keynote (TrendHunter.com)
  14. Instagram-Like Beer Ads - The Shiner Bock Campaign Focuses on Fun Everyday Moments (TrendHunter.com)
  15. Social Media's Impact on Television - Christy Tanner's Entertainment Speech Explores TV & Engagement (TrendHunter.com)
  16. Ill-Fitting Packaging Ads - The Dank! 2nd Hand Furniture Campaign Promotes Free Delivery (TrendHunter.com)
  17. Oversized Desk Lights - The Boom Lamp by Group Design is Height-Adjustable (TrendHunter.com)
  18. Sinuous Futuristic Malls - The Galaxy Soho by Zaha Hadid is a Surreal Beijing Structure (TrendHunter.com)
  19. Enhancing Brand Experience - Dough Stephens Introduces 'The Third Shelf' in His Consumerism Keynote (TrendHunter.com)
  20. Business Opportunities on Facebook - Brian Carter's Internet Marketing Speech Compares Platforms (TrendHunter.com)
  21. Spaceship-Like Dentist Chairs - The Riunito Dentale by Valerio Tonel is Futuristically Comforting (TrendHunter.com)
  22. Honoring Noble Professions - Taylor Mali's Making a Difference Speech Delves Into the Teaching World (TrendHunter.com)
  23. Plush Gadget Cleaners - The Koala Screen Wipe Makes Your Tablets Fresh (TrendHunter.com)
  24. Fishy Phone Cases - You'll Always Be Hungry Staring at the Sushi Bento iPhone Case (TrendHunter.com)
  25. Handsomely Woven Ear Gear - The Urbanears Plattan Tweed Edition Headphones Are For Dapper Gentlemen (TrendHunter.com)
  26. Universal Charging Strips - Don't Crawl Behind Sofas or Desks Anymore with the Pickup Power Strip (TrendHunter.com)
  27. Absurdly Assembled Objects - The Yarisal and Kublitz Installations Feature Unreal Set-Ups (TrendHunter.com)
  28. Sassy Couture Holiday Firs - The Fashionista Christmas Tree is For all the Chic Holiday Lovers (TrendHunter.com)
  29. Zombified Jack-o-Lanterns - Zombies Fight for Freedom in the Haunted Pumpkin Garden (TrendHunter.com)
  30. Search TREND HUNTER - The Latest Trends

Festive Lumber-Bound Lookbooks - Obey Clothing's Holiday 2012 Advertisements Are Rustic and Joyful (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Obey Clothing Holiday 2012 lookbook takes male and female fashion back to its authentic roots. The models stand before slates of weathered red wood as they pose in durable apparel, resonating...

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Comic Book Knife Ads - The 3M Nexcare Bandaid Campaign is Made for Cartoon Lovers (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) There are bandages for just about anyone and now the 3M Nexcare Bandaid campaign is targeting comic book lovers. In place of the boring brown ones, Hello Kitty versions and other kitschy alternatives,...

Free Standing Paperback Shelves - Paul Cocksedge's 'The Invisible Bookends' Holds Novels Minimally (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Designer Paul Cocksedge's ‘The Invisible Bookends' collection is a transparent, free-standing decor piece. The artist is concerned with visual elements as he asks his shoppers, &#...

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Safari Sport Jackets - The Gourmet x Mitchell & Ness Coats Incorporate Animal Prints (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Gourmet x Mitchell & Ness ‘Vintage Satin Jacket' is being sold on behalf of the epic brand collaboration. The apparel line nods its head to the New York Yankees and the Boston...

Goofy Gait Time-Tellers - The Ministry of Silly Walks Clock by Susanne Lindberg Will Bring Laughs (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Ministry of Silly Walks Clock will put a smile on anyone's face, just like John Cleese of Monty Python did. Considering that this time teller was inspired by the comical English actor, it...

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Whimsical Floral Fashion - Secret Garden by Jessica Prautzsch Stars a Pretty Isabell Schnaubelt (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Soft and pretty, the photo series titled Secret Garden by Jessica Prautzsch, a photographer based in Hamburg, Germany, is inspired by Frances Hodgson Burnett's classic children's story...

Asymmetrically Bold Couches - The Apollo Sofa by Tatiana Bortkevic is Inspired by Architecture (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Apollo Sofa is deceptively simple. It shuns traditional couch dimensions for a design that is subtly asymmetrical. Almost like a daybed, one side of the Apollo Sofa slopes higher than the other...

Vise-inflicted Furniture - The Ceci N’est Pas Une Table is Robbed of Its Former Functionality (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Ceci N'est Pas Une Table happens to look like it is undergoing torture for one reason or another. One end is slowly being compressed by some kind of circular vise, effectively crippling its...

Filmed Fashion Launches - Maison Kitstune's Autumn/Winter 2012 Line Debuts in Video Form (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Maison Kitsune's Autumn/Winter 2012 collection has been delivered to fans of the French label in video form. Artistic director Anne-Caroline Paute worked with Roman Sellier to produce the...

The Digital Dark Side - This Content Filtering Keynote by Eli Pariser Explores Withheld Information (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Eli Pariser, author of the award-winning book ‘The Filter Bubble' discusses the ways information is personalized on the Internet in this content filtering keynote. There is a massive...

Bohemian Cowgirl Editorials - The Marie Claire Netherlands November 2012 Issue is Casual and Chic (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Marie Claire Netherlands November 2012 editorial showcases contemporary cowgirl style. Although Milan- and Prague-based photographer Dennison Bertram recently captured a water nymph persona for...

Designer Graffiti Displays - The Louis Vuitton RETNA Installation is Unconventional (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Louis Vuitton RETNA-made storefront has been unveiled at Miami's Design District. RETNA, or Marquis Louis rather, is a Los Angeles-based graffiti artist who has been favored on behalf of...

A New Digital Era - Larry Solomon Offers Three Predictions in His Future of Technology Keynote (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Larry Solomon, Sr. Vice President of Corporate Communications at AT&T, Inc. offers three predictions in his future of technology keynote. While he recognizes that it is very challenging to...

Instagram-Like Beer Ads - The Shiner Bock Campaign Focuses on Fun Everyday Moments (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Shiner Bock campaign takes a candid approach to advertising. As though inspired by the popular social media app, Instagram, it relies on vintage-like photographs that capture everyday moments,...

Social Media's Impact on Television - Christy Tanner's Entertainment Speech Explores TV & Engagement (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Christy Tanner, General Manager and Executive Vice President, of TVGuide.com and TVGuide Mobile delivers an insightful entertainment speech. She discusses the different ways technology and social...

Ill-Fitting Packaging Ads - The Dank! 2nd Hand Furniture Campaign Promotes Free Delivery (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Dank! 2nd Hand Furniture ad campaign promotes free delivery for all purchases. Hopefully they package the products better than those in the print ads. Of course, they could very well be alluding...

Oversized Desk Lights - The Boom Lamp by Group Design is Height-Adjustable (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The Boom Lamp happens to look like an oversized desk light. When viewed out of context, that is probably what many will believe it is (minus the oversized part). In reality, the Boom Lamp is a floor...

Sinuous Futuristic Malls - The Galaxy Soho by Zaha Hadid is a Surreal Beijing Structure (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Architect Zaha Hadid has done it again with the Galaxy Soho. A stunning sight to behold, it is the latest development for the architectural guru. Constructed in Beijing, China, the Galaxy Soho is a...

Enhancing Brand Experience - Dough Stephens Introduces 'The Third Shelf' in His Consumerism Keynote (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) This consumerism keynote by retail expert Doug Stephens introduces the concept of the ‘third shelf' in retail. The first shelf is one in a retailer's store, the second shelf is in...

Business Opportunities on Facebook - Brian Carter's Internet Marketing Speech Compares Platforms (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Brian Carter's Internet marketing speech discusses his strategy for winning big when it comes to Facebook marketing and advertising. As he points out, there are over 650 million people on...

Spaceship-Like Dentist Chairs - The Riunito Dentale by Valerio Tonel is Futuristically Comforting (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) A visit to the dentist sets pretty much everyone's teeth on edge, but perhaps the Riunito Dentale will help to alleviate such tension—at least for children. It looks like a mini spaceship,...

Honoring Noble Professions - Taylor Mali's Making a Difference Speech Delves Into the Teaching World (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) In his powerful making a difference speech, Poet Taylor Mali answers the age-old question of what do you make? There's a common saying that goes like this: those who can't do, teach....

Plush Gadget Cleaners - The Koala Screen Wipe Makes Your Tablets Fresh (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Keep your gadget screens super clean with the Koala Screen Wipe. With all the touch-screen technology these days, it can be hard to see through the smudges and fingerprints to the actual display,...

Fishy Phone Cases - You'll Always Be Hungry Staring at the Sushi Bento iPhone Case (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The sushi bento iPhone case really makes one prematurely hungry, so imagine what it would be like to clip one of these delectable lunchboxes onto your iPhone for the long run. For sushi fans, this...

Handsomely Woven Ear Gear - The Urbanears Plattan Tweed Edition Headphones Are For Dapper Gentlemen (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Upgrade your listening gear to gentlemen status by owning a pair of the Urbanears Plattan Tweed Edition headphones. Handsomely designed, this music playing device is made from Harris Tweed, which...

Universal Charging Strips - Don't Crawl Behind Sofas or Desks Anymore with the Pickup Power Strip (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) There's no need to carry around a bunch of wires and adapters with the Pickup Power strip. With all the technology that is available today, keeping track of which wire belonging to which...

Absurdly Assembled Objects - The Yarisal and Kublitz Installations Feature Unreal Set-Ups (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) The sculptures in the Yarisal and Kublitz installations feature everyday items contorted into bizarre set-ups. A simple rug with a geometrical pattern becomes completely unrealistic when it seems...

Sassy Couture Holiday Firs - The Fashionista Christmas Tree is For all the Chic Holiday Lovers (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Words cannot truly describe how utterly chic the Fashionista Christmas Tree is. Unlike its faux evergreen conifer predecessors, this fierce diva fir is anything but ordinary. Without a doubt, this...

Zombified Jack-o-Lanterns - Zombies Fight for Freedom in the Haunted Pumpkin Garden (TrendHunter.com)

(TrendHunter.com) Ray Villafane is a sculptor and master pumpkin carver who has created the Haunted Pumpkin Garden using some of the largest pumpkins—one weighs up to 1,800 pounds! The Haunted Pumpkin garden...

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